Thursday, 27 October 2011

Semiotics- The study of meaning...

Semitonics is present in every day life, we see iconic signs everywhere. Some signs are recognised universally and some are only relevant to specific cultures. For instance, a picture of a dog would be universally recognised as a dog, yet the word DOG is only recognised by those that speak and can read English. The general idea then is that the more constrained the thing you are trying to communicate is to reality, the more iconic it is, the less constrained something is to reality is Arbitary (Symbolic)

When it comes to films we can apply the same idea , for example a film like Avatar is less contrained by reality and is therefore more symbolic. A documentary film like Frozen Planet( David Attenborough) is based around real life , it is totally constrained by reality. Using this theory Frozen Planet is Iconic and Avatar is Arbitary.

Another example of this theory would be the slight cultural differences between my home country - Northern Ireland and England. I have realised that talking to english people in my accent results in some confused looks, I am having to repeat myself! Even though our language is the same, the difference in accents can cause misunderstanding or bad communication. Therfore my accent is more abstract(or arbitary) to most English people and more realistic(or Iconic) to my friends and family back home.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Communication, Redundancy / Entropy

Last week in Media histories we learnt about an amazing communication model invented by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, they were tasked with improving the communication process.
 As a budding artist I am now realising the importance of communication through your work - one of the more important things i took from this lesson was how easily emotions the artist / animator/filmaker would like his audience to feel may not always be felt , they can very easily be lost in translation.
For example in the new Predator film that came out last year (yes the one that practically murdered the franchise for alot of us) was ofcourse sold as a horror / action film - the difference between this and the origional Predator (1987) was that, in my opinion we do not give a sh*t if the characters die, in all good horror films I think it is important that the audience feel attached to the main characters that are in danger ...or at least can identify with them, otherwise we dont feel for them and therefore dont care if they are about to get thrown in to an industrial meatgrinder. In Predators the must have been a serious breakdown of communication between the director and writers, ie thier must have been alot of NOISE at the time. In Shannon and weavers model noise is something that distracts from the signal. This noise could have came in the form of a low budget or the director and the writer having different views about the way the film is going.

We also learnt about REDUNDANCY and ENTROPY - Learning about redundancy and entropy has changed the way i look at films drawings even advertising i am now seeing it everywhere. On the 15th I journeyd to London - the big smoke, coming from Norhtern Ireland London always surprises me , on this ocassion it was the tate moderns exhibiton of Gerhard Richter - Pnorama . Richter was born in 1932 in Dresden East germany after the second world war. At the exhibition i was noticing how skillful his work was , yet what i realised more was the variation of entropic and redundant work he has done - he had a collection of amazing landscape paintings that where too me quite redundant , i must stress redundant does not mean i found it boring simply some of his more maintstream work appealed to more people than his other more abstract work , as I sat there i noticed people staring at the more redundant pieces for ages and the more abstract work was simply glanced over quickly by the majority. I realised redundancy and entropy can be applied to almost anything.